About us

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WHO we are

For more than 42 years, the [ECGM] Eternal Church of God Ministries has been working in Uganda and other African countries preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and meeting the spirual, physical and psychological needs of the people

with over 375 postor and evangelist around African working under ECGM, We have reached thousands of people, planted more than 300 churches and changed thousands of lives positively,though love and fellowship. The ministry has it head quarters in Uganda Rwegoma, Kabarole District. From here the ministry spreads out into the mountanious region of Rwenzori, into Eastern DRC and African countries


We Work in More Than 7+ Countries To Strengthen eqaulity

Releasing the apostolic dimension with the heart of the saints, equipping and calling them forth as disciple sent ministering to the multidute [both domestically and internationally] through renewed preaching teaching, worshipping, prayers, welfare, deliverance, and prophetic utterance by the Holy spirit, preparing us for the coming harvest and return of our king, Lord Jesus Christ

[Ephesians 4:11-12,1 Corinthians 12:28, 1John 5:4-5, Matthew 9-37-39]

no poverty

best education

clean water

good health


help is our main goal!

A Generation with Disciples from All Nations; [Matthew 28:19] To bring about the restoration of the new Testament ministry and power of the apostolic commission upon the life of the believers; Moving them into a new dimension of perception understanding faith and partnership with our lord, fully and completely bringing the purpose and plans of God for their lives into full maturity on earth

get involve

we've funded charity projects for people around Africa