ibonde childrens home

WhatsApp Image 2022-09-26 at 6.51.08 PM (5)

Ibonde childrenʼs home started in 2008 at Bishop Silasʼ home with only 20 orphans who had no home. Silas and his family opened their home to a lot more orphans as years past by and that birthed a vision to start Ibonde children’s home in Fort portal Uganda. Currently we have 250 children who reside at the orphanage. The orphanage is run by 12 workers and volunteers under the management of 7 board members. By God’s grace, at the beginning of the orphanage, all resources at the home were donated by either the local church, or local givers, family members.
For almost a decade in Fort-Portal, Kabarole Uganda, Ibonde children’s home has served the purpose of providing a place for over 600 orphans, where everyone is Loved and finds a place like Home.